Showing posts with label Thoughts for the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts for the day. Show all posts

In the middle of the year, it was hard for me to continue my reading because I didn't have any books left  (just my excuse :p) and I couldn't afford to buy a new one (excuse. again).  However, my will was so big to finish what I've started. Thank God, There was my friend whom I can borrow their books and iPusnas digital library app from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia. On iPusnas, we can read a lot of ebooks for free! the minus is some of the books are limited or not available, so you have to wait until someone finished their reading. Overall, iPusnas was great and worth downloading. 

Here are the book lists that I read in 2021;

7. July: The Happiness Project

Have you ever felt like life is flat? you are not feeling happy nor sad. That's what the author of the book felt like. She has a good job, a lovely family, and a caring friend. But, there was something missing in her life that made her plan something namely the Happiness Project. It was great to read how she consistently did what she wanted to do to make her life happier and has meaning. One thing I learned from this book is to appreciate and to take care of what we have. eaaa.

8. August: Omen 

I really enjoyed every page of this novel. It tells about twin girls who don't look similar, one is feminine and the other one is a tomboy. What makes it interesting, they both were envious of each other and one of them was in danger because of jealousy. The plot was unpredictable and made me like huhhhh??? I thought you were kind?! But yeah people are always disappointing.

9. September: Happiness Inside 

I love reading self-improvement books, one of them is Happiness Inside from Gobind Vashdev who called himself a heartworker. This book really makes us think from different perspectives which finally keeps us thinking positively. A positive mind leads to a happy life. There is one chapter from this book called "No complain day" that tells about a grandfather and his wife who laugh and are okay even though they had a bit of bad luck. The key to this attitude is to forgive and not to think about it too much and surely not complain. For me, it was a big deal because I like to complain about anything a lot. But, by reading this it really opens my mind to think more wisely and forgive if something bad happens to you because it might be good for you. 

10. October: The Alpha Girls Guide 

To all the girls out there who are feeling down or wanna know how to be independent, strong, and genius girls. This book is perfect for you. While I read this book, I felt more inspired which made me productive. But, something I know from this book is that I'm not one of the alpha girls and that's okay. Or I don't wanna be one of them? I don't know. #StillLookingforIdentity #Santuyperson

11. November: A simple life 

"Happiness is wanting, enjoying, and appreciating what we already have"

A simple life is a collection of thoughts from Desi Anwar. She wrote about topics in daily life like hobbies, happiness and etc. But, behind it all, those little things, there are something precious to learn, to appreciate, and to be grateful about our life. So, if your life is full of demands, live with high expectations which make you overthinking, anxieties, fears, and other bad feelings, you should read this book to ease your mind.

12. December: The Great of Positive Thinking 

This book only contains a collection of quotes from intellectuals around the world. If you need inspiration or just need something to put on your IG photo or something else, this book is good to read!. Here are my fav quotes from the book ;  

"How much we can do depends on how much we think we can do. When you really believe you can do more, your mind thinks creatively and shows you the way"

" I have found that if you love life, life will love you back"

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be"

" Recall your little victorious and accomplishments, go over the reasons why you are glad to be alive"

Alhamdulillah, I was able to finish one of my resolutions this year. Reading a book really helps me to more focus since I always do things by multitasking #lol. I hope I can be more consistent to read more books in 2022 and not procrastinate.
At the beginning of 2021, I set resolutions, one of them to challenge myself to read books more at least one book a month. I know for some people read a book per month just a piece of cake but for me who-is- super lazy-motivation-where? like me is a big deal. So, to prove that I read, I'd like to share what I've read this year. 

1. January: I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokpokki

Based on a true story, it tells about the journey of the author who has issues with her mental health and how she handled it to stay alive. It's such a unique book and easy to read because it's like reading a chat between the author and the psychiatrist. I have a relative who has mental health issues, by reading this book I learned a lot about these issues and how important it is. Especially to understand and respect more about them that people with depression is no joke. I highly recommend this book for people who have the same problem as the author, learn about psychology things, or people who are fed up with this life just like me. 

2. February: The Power of Habit

"Cravings are what drive habits"

"Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped"

An interesting book that tells stories of people who have successfully changed their lives to be better and all of that has similarity that is forming a habit. I love how the author analyzed and explained how habit works and found the formula to start a new good habit. It really gave me enlightenment. But... still, it's hard if we are idler.

3. March: The Dead Returns

One day, Koyama Nobuo woke up and he realized that he was in someone's body that he didn't even know. With his "new body", he must find out who killed him and confident, one of them was his classmates. It was such an interesting book because it got me like huhh??? Wait??? Hahhh what the fu*k every past chapter and made me suspect all characters. And sure enough, the end was membagongkan a.k.a super plot twist. Worth wasting your time. 

4. April: Filosofi Teras

"It is not things that trouble us, but our judgment about things" 

"Our job is  to focus on our internal goal that is under our control and always accept outcomes that are out of control"

Filosofi Teras or also called Stoicism is a philosophy about a guide to a good life. The book by Henry Manampiring tells about him who was depressed and ended up finding a book about Stoicism. He explained his condition before and after implemented Stoicism and how better he is now. One thing I love about this philosophy, it taught me that happiness comes from the things we can control which are our opinion, perception, and our consideration. And worrying about something you can't control such as people's opinion, the weather, people's action, and other things are just a waste of time. The more I read about it the more it helps me to reduce my negative emotions. I'm still learning, but if something happens and that's not come under my control, It no longer bothers me that much. Better save your energy-wise peps!. 

5. May: My Stroke of Insight 

Jill B.Taylor a Harvard-trained brain scientist experienced a massive stroke in the left hemisphere of her brain. This book tells the story of her struggle when she was having a stroke and finally fully recover after eight years. I'm amazed by her curiosity about her own brain that made her did not give up and how she and the people around her appreciate her progress even just a small thing. I learned that our brain is marvelous, as long as we keep trying ;). 

6. June: Paper Towns

So, this is my old book, I bought this when I was in high school and yep I just finished it now :). A novel by the best author John Green, Paper Town a story concerning Quentin and Margo who taking him on an exciting all-night adventure that Q would not ever do it. However, the next morning  Margo disappeared and left clues for Quentin. Dear Margo, I'd like to join your game!! 


2020 has been a tough year for all of us. Kita berjuang, kita kehilangan, stres, lelah dan pastinya banyak air mata yang jatuh di tahun ini. Tahun 2020, angka yang terlihat cantik dan estetik,  aku pikir dan mungkin kamu juga, tahun yang angkanya bagus ini bisa jadi awal yang sangat baik untuk merencanakan masa depan dan lebih produktif dari sebelumnya. Namun apa daya banyak rencana yang sudah dipikirkan  pada akhirnya gagal dilaksanakan karena pandemi Covid -19. Sejak awal tahun kita akhirnya lebih banyak di rumah dengan perasaan yang pasti berat untuk diterima.

Kecewa dan sedih itu sudah pasti, tapi betapa egoisnya diri ini kalau hanya memikirkan diri sendiri, tidak melihat dunia luar yang banyak lebih susah, kena PHK, bangkrut, kehilangan keluarganya dan lain sebagainya. Ternyata, kita semua susah, kita sama-sama berjuang melewati ini semua. 

Aku teringat sebuah pesan bahwa setiap ujian pasti ada hikmahnya, pasti ada hal yang bisa kita petik dari sebuah kejadian yang buat kita jadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi. Setelah aku merenungkan itu semua, ternyata pandemi ini juga memberikan dampak positif buat aku dan aku harap kamu juga yang mungkin kalau tidak ada pandemi aku tidak akan seperti ini. Jadi, inilah beberapa hal yang aku dapatkan di tahun pandemi ini:

1. Belajar hal baru

Sekarang aku percaya kalau dari rasa bosan bisa menghasilkan hal yang diluar dugaan, berkat #dirumahaja media sosial jadi lebih aktif dan mereka share hal-hal seru yang mereka lakukan yang bisa kita ikutin seperti memasak, mengedit, belajar bahasa baru dan hal lainnya. Di tahun ini, aku sedikit belajar tentang memasak, aku mulai kembali mengaktifkan blog ini dan membuatnya jadi lebih bagus, belajar tentang keuangan di Skill Academy secara gratis berkat pandemi dan aku membuka bisnis makanan yang sebelumnya tak pernah terpikirkan oleh ku kalau aku bisa melakukan hal ini.

2. Lebih kreatif

Sejalan dengan banyaknya orang aktif di media sosial, tahun ini benar- benar buat satu Indonesia jadi lebih kreatif. Banyak trend-trend di Indonesia yang aku ikutin seperti bikin dalgona coffee, virtual photoshoot, dan brush challenge. Ada juga yang make over kamarnya, bikin kerajinan yang bisa buat cuan, bikin video-video lucu dan masih banyak lagi hal-hal keren lainnya yang pasti kita rasain and be like "woww aku ternyata sangat kreatif"

3. Punya waktu buat diri sendiri

Karena sering #dirumahaja dan kerjaan juga WFH, aku lebih banyak waktu buat diri sendiri, lebih mengenal karakter ku, deep talk dengan diri sendiri, manjain diri sendiri dengan spa dirumah, nonton, dengar lagu dll dengan damai tanpa ada kerjaan yang berarti. Dan itu rasanya eenaakk banget yang mungkin aja kalau tidak ada pandemi kita susah buat punya waktu tuk diri sendiri.

4. Lebih bersyukur

Aku anak yang jauh dari kata diatas, yang ada seringnya insecure. Di awal tahun yang harusnya aku merantau mencari kerja tapi karena pandemi aku disuruh pulang ⁸ke rumah. Ternyata pulang ke rumah tidak seburuk itu, aku bisa kumpul lengkap dengan keluarga ku yang sejak SMP sampai kuliah pada mencar-mencar, kami tidak pernah kumpul selama ini setelah sekian lama. Ya walaupun pasti ada aja yang dimasalahin tapi aku bersyukur bisa bersama mereka dan membuat kenangan bersama. Dan tentunya semua hal-hal yang diatas bikin aku bersyukur kalau aku melewati 2020 ini dengan baik dan aku harap kamu yang baca ini juga menyadari dan merasakan hal yang sama. 

Walaupun 2020 merupakan tahun yang banyak "sedihnya", tapi kalau kita bisa melihat sisi postifnya ternyata 2020 tidak seburuk itu, banyak pembelajaran dan hal seru yang kita lewatin, bagaimana kreatifnya orang Indonesia, saling menolongnya di dalam kesusahan, menjadikan kita lebih dekat dengan orang-orang yang kita kenal walau sebagian hanya virtual dan hal lainnya. Tahun 2020 yang sangat spesial dan yang tidak mungkin terulang lagi vibes nya. Tahun yang memberi arti kepada kita semua tentang sebuah kesabaran, ikhlas dan penerimaan. Thank you 2020 for your great lessons and goodbye, you'll always be remembered.